Friday, June 27, 2008

Car Sales Lease-back Program

Put Cash In Your Pocket…
Keep Your Vehicle On the Road.

Get the most out of your Vehicle with Vehicle/Fleet Services from Tower One Management Consultancy Service.

With many known and unknown variables impacting the vehicle industry, having a partner that you can rely on to manage changing needs is essential. Tower One Management Consultancy Service is that partner.

We offer financial programs, technologies, and services that makes a difference to our customers.

Solutions designed with you in mind

Vehicle/Fleet Services from Tower One Management Consultancy Service is a single source dedicated in helping you to succeed. Our comprehensive line of products and services are designed to address every challenge your vehicle/ fleet will encounter in its lifetime.

Scenario 1:

Why own a car when performance and value begins to decline?

Vehicle/Fleet Services’ Sale Leaseback Program provides you with immediate cash on individual/company owned vehicle while simultaneously building in operational flexibility by purchasing the same vehicle back to you. In addition to walk-away convenience, The Sale
Leaseback Program offers you a smart exit strategy – so you can retire older vehicles once maintenance cost begins to skyrocket.

Uncovering value imbedded in your vehicles
Avoid tapping your line of credit for additional cash by utilizing your vehicles equity to invest in other areas of your business. Let Vehicle/ Fleet Services assess the market value of your vehicles for potential purchase. Our competitive proposal will include a pre-determined lease period on assets, after which the equipment can be returned to business area locations within Metro Manila.

The Many Advantages of Sale-Leaseback

Looking for a buyer if you want to sell your car to Vehicle/ Fleet Services for cash towards purchasing other car model, car upgrades, debt reduction, or any other purpose – all while leaving precious credit lines intact.

Operational Flexibility
Keep your existing vehicles. No need to walk away before you are ready from equipment that has been customized to your specifications, or spend time and money on new decals. In addition, Vehicle/ Fleet Services reduce your administrative burden by managing all vehicle licensing and registration requirements.

Reduced Remarketing Risk
Eliminate residual risk by selling your company’s owned vehicles at today’s market value and avoid any future downturn in used vehicle pricing.
Best of all, selling a block of your vehicle to a single buyer means minimized remarketing cost and effort.

Pre-determined Exit Strategy
Effectively manage the money you spend on maintenance with the knowledge that you can get rid of older equipment at lease end.

Leverage the operating lease structure of a Sale-
Leaseback to gain the tax advantages of deductible Sale lease payments. Gains recognized in a Sale- Leaseback may potentially be offset by the use of available tax operating loss carry forward balances.

* The information contained in this document is for general purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax or accounting advice. You should
Consult with your own advisors to understand the impact of a sale-leaseback transaction to your business.

Contact us today for a free assessment and learn how the Sale Leaseback Program From Tower One Management Consultancy Service can drive more revenues to your bottom line.

Tower One Management Vehicle/Fleet Services:
Call: +639213554331 or email us

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this. I have been looking into a vehicle fleet service for our company to utilize. I pitched it in a meeting and for the type of business that we run, it'd be very beneficial for us.